Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Hi everyone! I’m here again with yet another FNF post(i like them okie)and I would like to add that I’m running out of mods to write about, so pls suggest some so you don’t have to read boring things. Today, I’m going to make a script out of the once-cancelled mod Twinsomnia! Okie, let’s dive in!

This event is before all events prior to this blog.

Our story begins in a young boy’s bedroom. No one is here, and all is peaceful. Suddenly, a small baby boy in a red cap kicks the door open. It’s none other than Boyfriend, our protagonist(but smol child)! He yeets his red cap to the side with a CRASH, and slams the door. “Hmph.” he mutters. “Who says I have to go to bed besides Mommy? I’m not tired!” He jumps on the bed and sits down. Boyfriend then looks at the posters on the wall beside him. One is of Mommy Mearest and one is of Daddy Dearest. He sighs. “Daddy Dearest… I wish I could sing just like you!” Suddenly, the lights go out. Boyfriend looks around, terrified. “Mommy?” he asks, but then he takes notice of the mysterious dark figure near him, with just the foot of his bed between them…

Sleeptalk plays. Mid-song, The mysterious dark entity is revealed to be a cute little girl and her male companion. Afterwards, this happens.

Boyfriend applauds the girl for her awesome performance. “Thank you, thank you!” The girl says. She had a quaint British accent. Boyfriend stared at her, his mouth still open. “W-Who are you?” he asked. “M-my name is Boyfriend.” The girl straightened up. “Why, my name is Girl!” She points to the boy, who had turned on the lights. “This is my twin brother, Boy!” They are both 13.6 billion years old. Boy waves at Boyfriend, then looks at Girl with mild annoyance. “Awright, awright.” Boy complained. He had a thick Brooklyn accent, so thick that it was visible through this text. “It’s my turn to sing against the kid.” Girl rolls her eyes. “Okay, mister. Let’s see how you do! Boy smirks, then poofs both of them out by snapping his fingers. A few moments later, Girl gracefully floats down from the sky and lands in the middle of the bed. Boyfriend smiled at her. Then Boy jumped down from the ceiling and landing on the bed, making the bed a pile of splinters and sending Boyfriend flying. “AAAAAAAAAAAA-

[ERROR 404]

After Girl lands, Boy poofs onto the bed. “I ain’t gonna go easy on you!” Boy grinned. Boyfriend smiled and stood up. “Bring it on!”

Roughouse plays, and then this happens.

Boyfriend is now dancing on the bed, smiling, and still having tons of energy. Boy and Girl look at the hyper child, then at each other. “Ah!” Boy cries, smiling. he whispers something to Girl, and then they make cursed faces at each other. Boy then picks Girl up, salutes, and falls backwards. Boyfriend looks down from the foot of his bed. Girl pops up again, but much bigger, her arms spread out. “Surprise!” she exclaims. Then Boy pops up, even bigger. “Surpri-OY!” Boy hits his head on the ceiling. He rubs it. “Ow.” Girl looks at him. Then they hear Boyfriend. “Pfff.” They look at the kid. He’s clearly holding back laughter. Boy glares at him. “Okay, pal, c’mon.” he picks Boyfriend up and puts him on the head of the bed. Boyfriend smiles. “Do it again!”he says, happily. Boy and Girl smile, and the song begins.

Power Hour plays, then this happens.

Boyfriend abruptly falls over, asleep. Girl pulls the blanket over him. “All in a day’s work.” she says. Their work is done.


But then, the lights go out once more, and Girl senses a dangerous presence. She looks up. In the darkness, two glowing red eyes and a creepy grin appear in the shadows(and no, it’s not Sonic.EXE, he was playing UNO with Gold, Ben Drowned, and Eteled). Girl looks back at Boyfriend, shivering from the safety of his blanket. “Ohhhhh, no no no.” Girl mutters, then turns back to the monster. “You are NOT hurting Boyfriend!” Boy poofs in next to her with his arms crossed, and the song begins.

Boogieman plays, and at the end of the song Boy and Girl scream, effectively scaring the monster(aka Lemon Demon) and making him leave. Then this happens:

The two look at Boyfriend, who slowly stops shivering and promptly falls asleep. Boy and Girl look at him, their mouths open in shock. Then they throw their hands up and shout, “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” before poofing out, ending the story.


That’s all! Here’s the link to play this awesome mod(better to actually download the real thing tho lmao)! Bye!


By Abby Subedi
