Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Today, I am reviewing Thin Wood Walls by author David Patneaude.

Eleven -Year-Old Japanese-American Joe Hanada and his family try to search for a better time especially after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Joe and his family are a regular immigrant family living in Seattle,Washington. But soon the friendly and peaceful life turns chaotic resulting from hatred,crime and injustice towards Japanese Americans. The FBI later takes Joe’s father away and now the Hanada family have to try to survive through the consequences of Pearl Harbor, Racism and Discrimination. It is sad to see Japanese Americans’ point of view during the second World War. However, it reminded me of the unit we had finished in middle school Social Studies class called a Search for better times where my social studies teacher had taught us that when people believe in majority rules, some people in the United States get left behind. I learnt that it’s not okay to leave others behind. When there’s an issue that is directed to a group in America, they try to find better ways for good times. In this story, Joe writes Haikus in his diary to explain his feelings and try to make the best out of their trapped life. What will happen next? If you like books about war, history and family, you will enjoy this book as much as I did.
Happy Reading!