Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Summertime is here! You don’t have school, it’s warm outside, and there are numerous things you can do. But the hard part is finding out what to do. Here, I’ll tell you a few different things you can do in the summer!

  1. Paint rocks and hide them for others to find

I remember, when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, my school had done this activity. The 5th graders came outside to the playground at some point in the day, and they hid rocks around the playground. The rocks were colorful and had positive messages written on them. And when the other grades came outside, they would find the rocks. This is a simple but fun activity to do, and you can do it with a group of friends!

  1. Create a small book club

Do some summer reading! You and a few others can find a suitable book to read and make a book club. You could meet up and talk about the book on Zoom. Or, if the others live close by, you can meet up in person. There are many good book choices too! Some books that I recommend are:

  • Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed
  • Out of my Mind by Sharon Draper
  • Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley
  • Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins
  1. Outdoor Activity Competition

Everyone should get some exercise too! And this is a fun and easy way to do it. There will be multiple activities. For example, racing, obstacle course, jump roping, hula hooping, etc. Each one of these activities will be turned into a challenge. The contestants will try to win these challenges, and whoever wins the most will win the whole thing! They would get a prize!

  1. Host a Movie Night

You can host a movie night! Instead of just sitting down and watching a movie, or having your parents set it up, you can do it. You’ll have the job of picking a movie, preparing snacks, getting the seating ready, and more. Once your all done, invite your family or friends to the movie night. Then take a seat and enjoy the movie. This idea would be a good experience, and it would be fun!

  1. Send somebody a letter

Try sending somebody a letter! And no, I don’t just mean an email, I mean actual mail. When I was in 5th grade, I decided to send one of my friends a letter. She lived in Virginia, which is pretty far away. That was actually my first time sending somebody a letter in the mail. I just wrote a letter, drew a few pictures, wrote the addresses and sent it. It was quite easy, but very fun. After some days, my friend called to tell me she got the letter. For some odd reason this was very exciting to me. I mean, she got something that I made all the way from Wisconsin, and I didn’t have to do anything other than putting it in the mail box. I think this is really fun, and you should definitely try it.

I hope you found some of these interesting, and decide to try it out! Comment if you are going to try any. Make sure to have a great summer!