Sat. Jul 6th, 2024
  • Review

We all have opinions, whether it is about politics, entertainment, or stores, we all have them. A review is a perfect way to express your opinions without (possibly) hurting other people’s feelings.

  • Bucketlist

A bucket list is perfect to list the things you want to do. What I like about bucket lists are that it could be for anything such as, summer, winter, what you want to do further into the future, you can also make bucket lists with your friends which can make it a lot more fun.

  • Writing a poem

A poem is another great way to express your opinions and feelings. You can get really creative while writing a poem which is a great skill to have in the future. Here is an idea for a poem, “what it is like to be your age?”.

  • How would certain people describe you to a stranger?

This is an idea that I got from Elisha Mhanandhar, how would people you know describe you to people you do not know? Different perspectives can be your friends, your parents, your classmates, and more. This is a perfect way to reflect on yourself and see who you are the closest with since the closest person to you would know you a lot better.

  • Write about what kind of person you would like to be

Writing about what kind of person you would like to be is also another great way to reflect on yourself. Writing about what kind of person you would like to be can open your eyes on what kind of person you are right now and what you could do better to be the person that you want to be.