This blog is for the Brookfield Academy kids.
School starts in three days.
(For BA kids)
And I know you probably don’t want to go back.
But you probably have to. So.
Try not to die?
Learn to manage time, set yourself back to school sleep schedule (assuming you sleep) and make sure to live these last few days to the fullest.
I’ve been playing Fire Emblem: Engage and I l o v e it.
It’s really time-consuming but fun as heck to play around with.
Give an axe to a child? Why not?
Have that child turn into a dragon? Do you have a reason not to?
Give big teddy bear man an axe so he can kill more things? Sure!
Have silly man dress like a silly puppy? Yeah, why not? Do you have a reason?
Take a sword and go boom-boom everyone is dead without going near them? Duh, of course!
Put two men next to eachother and have them kill everything with a combination of long range and power?
Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
I recommend it even if you have no idea what Fire Emblem is. You don’t really need to have background on the first bajillion games, and if you do, this is still amazing due to the references to past games!
(Honestly, if you have no clue about Fire Emblem – not even just Smash Bros. knowledge – that makes it less gut-punching soooo yeahhh-)
I recommend the DLC if you want an easier time with the game. Also, you can download a free weapon pack on the Nintendo EShop to receive powerful weapons after a certain game point. Early on, they can do some serious damage.
Go buy it and have fun
You probably can tell where this is going.
Fire Emblem themed and others :3
Have fun
Half-Life by Livingston but Chrom and Robin sing it (AI COVER)
They’re best friends, and their pre-fight conversation in Fire Emblem: Engage made me think of this.
I totally think that they would lay down their life for each other.
Diamonds by Rihanna but M!Alear sings it (Remix) (AI COVER)
Refrenced from here:
Yeahhh male Alear!! (If a character has versions for both genders with no name change, it’s represented through the fanbase by either M! before the boy’s name and F! before the girl’s name, ex. M!Alear = Male Alear) I chose to play as him for my first run mainly because…
…I don’t like girl Alear’s design
Alear’s voice is really pretty and I love him, but poor boi is going through the Trauma Conga Line quicker than Palutena with Lightweight.
Oh well, at least he has Alfred.
You’ll Make The Change but Alcryst, Kagetsu, and Diamant sing it (FNF Cover)
Yeah uhh
Fire Emblem cover, for which I COULD NOT GET CHROMATICS FOR, so I pitch shifted Blake’s (MT. Silver), CJ’s (Starlight Mayhem), and my custom RuvStyle’s chromatic respectively to get their voices.
I made this cover just as a way to test out effects an have fun, play around with Alcryst and Diamant’s voices, and practice using MIDI.
This reminds me of when I used to make old covers.
That’s not really a good thing.
But oh well. I think this turned out okay.
Comforting Whispers but Alcryst and Kagetsu sing it (FNF Cover)
Yeahh another cover with the bois :DD
I made this because I thought Alcryst and Kagetsu would be friends (Alcryst needs a friend like actually-).
They just seem to fit each other and I don’t know why.
Probably just my head making stuff up.
Alcryst had another bad day like always and is literally sobbing his heart out near the pond and feeling bad about himself, pretty much beating himself up.
Kagetsu sees Alcryst and sits next to him, asking what’s wrong.
That doesn’t really calm Alcryst down.
He tries to wipe away his tears, and Kagetsu kind of startled him, so now the situation is worse.
So Kagetsu decides to sing, as the matter is with most of these situations.
He hopes that he succeeds his Charisma check and charms Alcryst the song will make Alcryst feel better or at least get him to stop crying.
It works, and Alcryst requires a hug, so he receives a whole-hearted one from Kagetsu, who genuinely hopes Alcryst’s mental health/living situation/life gets better.
This conversation follows:
(Please note I don’t spend a lot of time with Kagetsu because I can never find him, so the way he speaks may not be exactly accurate to his character.)
Kagetsu: I hope everything gets better. If you require someone to talk to, I’m your man. I’ll always be here to listen.
Alcryst: I-I’m sorry you had to see me like this, you probably have better things to do and I really don’t want to be a-
Kagetsu: Hush, hush… you really do apologize too much, you know.
Alcryst: Um…I’m sorry…
Kagetsu: …*tsk* We need to work on this habit of yours.
Kagestu and Alcryst’s Support Level Reached S.
Diva but Lucas and Ness sing it (FNF Cover)
I have NO CLUE where I got this song from or where I got the FLP, but this has been in my files and I wanted to use it, so…
I put Lucas and Ness here just because I could
so yeah
That’s the end of today’s covers!
Hope you enjoyed and see you next week!
Ask me or go find it yourself, but mostly not me except the covers themselves and the “Diamant” chromatic