Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Hi everyone! Upon preparing for my(second)battle with Raihan, I need more practice. (Yes, I know, you want more exciting PokéBlogs, but he’s hard to beat.) So I’m doing a list. I’m going to tell you the top three CUTEST Super Smash Bros. Ultimate(aka Smash)that you won’t want to fight. There are Honorable Mentions, separate awards, and the answers for my BOTW(Breath of the Wild)quiz! Starting now!

First we start with the separate awards. Don’t worry! They’re rapid-fire, so you don’t have to wait for the cutest characters.

Coolest Character: Joker

Darkest Character: Sephiroth

Character Who Shouldn’t Be There Cause He’s Mean: Kazukya

Character Who Causes The Most Trouble: Wario

That wasn’t so bad, was it? 3/4 these characters you get with a Expansion Pass, and can you guess which one you can get in a Challenger’s Approach?

Next we do the Honorable Mentions for cutest character(when I say cute, I mean like puppy-kitten-hamster cute). I’ll explain why as well!


An adorable pink blob. With a cute face. What more do you want? He’s not on the Top 3 because of his sucking-up-and-spit-out-fighter-to-steal-their-powers-so-he-can-use-them-muhahahaha. If he didn’t have those powers, he’d be on the Top 3. Also there wouldn’t be a game…


Adorable moves. Adorable personality. Funny description if you get Palutena’s Guidance using Pit. What more do you want? She isn’t on the Top 3 since she isn’t relatively cute. Still…

Rosalina and Luma

Look, she’s only here because of Luma, okay? I rest my case.

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… the Top 3 cutest characters!

3: Toon Link

Ahh, Toon Link. Hero of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Adorable. Runs around screaming waving his sword. Cute. Very cute. And one of his Smash Ultimate taunts is him waving his sword around and screaming(hitting nothing), the groaning. It’s funny and cute.

2: Lucas

Lucas is a boy who’s been through a lot. His mom, Hinawa, is dead. His older brother that looks like him, Claus, committed suicide to join his mom in the afterlife. His dad, Flint, has forgotten about him and is too busy mourning his wife’s death. Lucas is only left with his PSI powers, and his dog, Boney. Poor guy. He is a GODLY CHARACTER in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, as he can KO his opponents with(almost)any of his moves. Pretty good for a six-year old boy! (Note: He’s 13, which makes no sense. Let’s just say he’s six.)

And number one is. . .

1: Ness

PK Flash! PK Fire! PK Thunder! PK Starstorm! These are the moves that Ness, the PSI Powerhouse, can use in Smash Ultimate. Even though they are both the main characters of Earthbound, Lucas was meant to replace Ness as the main character in Earthbound. But Ness was a beloved character. Luckily, Lucas still got his own game in the Earthbound series, but Ness’s legacy still lives on. Also unlike Lucas, Ness still has his whole family intact. Ness wears pajamas in certain points of the game, which makes him even more adorable. To add on, Ness has a adorable accent! Cute. For Ness’s Final Smash, with the help of his friends Paula and Poo(don’t laugh, he knows karate), he makes meteors rain from the sky(hence the name, ‘PK Starstorm’), that can be adjusted to hit the opponent, and blast them out of the stage, destroying them. Yay, you win!

Oh, one last thing before you go. The answers to the Breath of the Wild quiz were B, A, and C in that order. Bye! I hope you had fun learning about Smash Ultimate characters!

By Abby Subedi


One thought on “Top 3 Smash Characters That Are Too Cute To Fight”
  1. Side Note: Kirby is also not on the list because he sucks up allllllll the attention from Mr.Sakurai. He’s the star of every game! Example: In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, LINK should be the one adventuring with Zelda, or Mario with Peach, but WHOEVER you choose to save, Kirby steals them away to adventure with them. In Smash Ultimate, Kirby runs away when his friends need help, and then acts brave to go save them. That’s STUPID. Match the protagonists, people! Oh, and now that I think about it, Shulk definitely gets the award for Best Character. He tried to warn his friends when he had a vision and saw them all die, but it was too late. He’s an awesome all-around character with his Monado Arts using his Monado, and I really like using him. Shulk is on the Strong tier, but he should be on best.

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