Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
photography of cat at full moonPhoto by Pixabay on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

All of these stories were made by me, I wrote these two scary stories for the case of Halloween. Enjoy the stories! P.S. when I told these stories to my friends they were pretty scared, so there’s your warning.

  1. Angeline

There were once 4 girls together one night. Angeline realized was time for her to go home.

“You’re biking home, right?” said the girl named Ella.

“Oh, yeah, I am…” said Angeline. Well, actually Angeline had been planning to call her mom and go home with her, but she didn’t want to seem scared.

Angeline put on her purple jacket, each step towards the door felt agonizing.

“Bye!” called Miya.

Angeline stepped outside. The door creaked shut. Her bike stood a few feet away. She got on and rode away. Soon, she started to hear a dripping noise. Drip, drop. She look over and saw a small pool of water.

“Somebody’s not going to be happy when they see that leak!” Angeline thought. Angeline biked onward until she realized, there was no house, no building for that matter, anywhere around here. She looked back at the water and saw, it wasn’t water. 

It was red, blood red.  Angeline froze at the sight of the blood. It just kept dripping and dripping. The sound was unnerving. Slowly, Angeline got on her bike to go on her way, she look back and quickly glanced up to see where the blood could have been dripping from, and that was all anyone knew about the disappearance of Angeline Jane William. 

The next day when police went to investigate, the blood was gone with no trace, and so was Angeline, the only thing left was her bike, which was tipped over and broken…

  1. The person outside.

There was a man. His name was Edward, he was riding home from a long day at work. On his ride home, he saw someone outside on the sidewalk.

“Who would be out at this hour?” Edward thought.

When Edward got closer he realized the man was staring straight at him. He had ragged clothes, and his skin was coated with dirt. He had bulging eyes and his dark matted hair covered most of his face.

But the most horrifying part was his smile. It was unmoving, his lips were chapped and his smile was big, it didn’t change. As Edward rode past, the man’s smile got even larger, covering half of his face. When Edward looked back he saw that the man was still staring. Edward look forward and drove on.

“Phew, good thing I was in my car that guy was creepy…” thought Edward.

In 15 minutes Edward arrived home. It’s dark now, his wife and baby daughter must be asleep. And that’s when he saw the man. His unchanging smile was still plastered on his face, his eyes bulging. He was looking at Edward with a crazy look in his eyes, and Edward was terrified.

The man pressed his forehead against the glass window of the house. And Edward was still outside. 

I don’t know if these stories would be considered ‘scary,’ but I hope you enjoyed them. A quick explanation for both stories, for the first one, when Angeline looked up, whatever was up there must have done something because she disappeared from that moment. For the second story, when Edward got home, he saw the man was inside his house. Edward hadn’t even stepped inside and he saw the man looking at him from the window.

2 thoughts on “Two scary stories for Halloween”
  1. This is really good Alyssa!
    My favorite one was the first one,
    Keep it up! 🙂

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