Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

On the very first day of school I had to fill out a sheet that my teacher wanted us to fill out to know us better. And one of the questions on that sheet was “What is your favorite song?”. I thought for a moment. Cue “Boss Battle 1” from Kid Icarus: Uprising and a faded picture of Palutena (a character from Kid Icarus) was getting clear by the second. After ten seconds, I recollected myself and wrote “Dance Monkey by Tones and I“. Why did I not write “Boss Battle 1: from Kid Icarus: Uprising“? Because Kid Icarus: Uprising is a video game! And that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT KID ICARUS: UPRISING!!!! And that teachers hate video games. But why is video game music so GOOD? What the baloney is the “WarioWare Inc” theme song doing in my playlist? And WHY IS THE ONLY NON-VIDEO GAME SONGS THAT I LIKE ARE “You’re So Cool“, “Dance Monkey” AND “Yakety Sax“??? All of this will be explained here.

One of the nicest games that is very famous about video game music is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The music there is so peaceful (post apocalyptic world in BOTW), that it takes over the usual 🎵duh daaaa, duh duh duh daaaaaa🎵 exchanging it for calm and super quiet music, with horse pianos, obviously. So where IS the 🎵da da da da duhhhhhh, duh da di da🎵? But then you remember in BOTW, EVERYONE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF THE CALAMITY! So that is the reason with the sad music, DEATH. But it just relaxes you because it matches with the calm wilderness mood, unlike all the other Zelda video games. Because of the music you will still remember that time when you were walking in BOTW and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Another reason why that video game music is so GOOD is that they try to remind you about the situation you are in. For example, “Boss Battle 1” from “Kid Icarus: Uprising”, when I listen to that song, even when I am not playing the game (or in this case, watching YouTube videos with people playing Kid Icarus (I do not have a 3DS to play Kid Icarus: Uprising)), I still keep on thinking “OMG I HAVE TO DEFEAT GAOL OR ELSE I WON’T GET TO CHAPTER 3!!!!!!”. Another case is when you are playing a RPG game like Pokemon or the Mario and Luigi series. Because as soon as you encounter a enemy by minding your own buisness and walking in the grass, the music then goes 🎵DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DA, DUH, DA DA DIIII DA DA DI, DI DA DIIII DA DIIII🎵. Which makes me think ” WHAT IS THIS TYPE OF POKEMON? I DON’T WANT MY POKEMON TO DIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!”.

The third reason is that the people that make the music actually DO NOT make it boring! They add special details to the music to make it really cool. For example, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword‘s main theme, Ballad of the Goddess. I have links to all the songs that I am mentioning in this video, so you can listen to it. After you’ve watched it, you may think that “Oh this is nice but I don’t see anything out of this world in this song!”, But if you play any instruments and looked at any music sheet with Ballad of The Goddess and play the song backwards, note by note, a Legend of Zelda fan will realize that Ballad of The Goddess is actually Zelda’s Lullaby BACKWARDS. So cool, ain’t it?

Those are all the reasons I love video game music, and also, if you are wondering the reason why I am doing this blog, it is because I love video game music, and I love talking about video games. And that people make things about stuff they enjoy. You would not see me make a blog about Eduard Khil because, heck no, I don’t care about him! But if we are talking about a performance of Lifelight from Super Smash Bros, I ALSO wouldn’t do that because I barely remember the lyrics. Thanks for reading this blog and see you next time! And also, here are the links to all the resoureses and inspirations I used to make this blog!

The Inspiration for This Video

Legend of Zelda Theme Song

Boss Battle 1: Kid Icarus

Dance Monkey: Tones & I

Breath of The Wild Theme

You’re So Cool

Yakety Sax

Pokemon Battle Theme

Ballad of The Goddess

Zelda’s Lullaby

See you all later!

– Nova Subedi

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering