Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Hello again guys, I’m back with mod reviews YAY(oh crap I’m running out of mods gimme good ones to do pls help meh). But we have quite the gory one here. Elements of Insanity is based on several creepypastas. Viewer discretion is advised. You have been warned. Okay then, let’s get started.

The first week(the Element of Laughter)is based on the creepypasta Cupcakes(that gave me nightmares for 2 weeks)by Sergeant Sprinkles. You can read it here: It is DARK, but a well-written creepypasta, along with some animated adaptations. I truly don’t want to explain it here, just in case a little kid comes across this. But in the mod(i’ll explain this)BF is rap-battling Pinkie Pie so she won’t turn GF into cupcakes. However, GF does die in the mod, along with BF, but in two different songs. During the song, Pinkie Pie is INSANE, but is sane for a short part of the song, before going insane again. However, I love playing this week, idk why.

The second week(the Element of Kindness)is based of SHED.MOV, you can watch it here(QUITE EXPLICIT, but also funny, BLOOD WARNING): If you watch it and then play the week, you can spot many references. I only watched it so I could tell you what to expect. You’re welcome. In this week, it isn’t Fluttershy, but Flutterguine, basically an evil version of Fluttershy, and instead of a cutie mark of three pink butterflies, it’s a bloody dagger. Evil. She tells the other characters NOT to come in her shed, and in this episode, they do. The series itself is called PONY.MOV, if you want to watch it, be my guest. At the end of the song, BF gets killed by Flutterguine, and GF escapes by jumping out the shed window(reference), which apparently, no one can look through, because nobody bothered to, and I guess Flutterguine has her ways. I like playing this week as well, and love the funny ending.

There are two freeplay songs in the mod, Eye Candy and Discord(Discord is copyrighted). Eye Candy features Pinkie Pie(normal, cute Pinkie Pie) and BF(not dead). Apple Bloom is here too(not dead or taxidermy), replacing GF. It’s a cute little song, and quite easy to play. Discord, on the other hand(or hoof) is probably my least favorite song. I love the beat and melody, but the character voices, in my opinion, are horrible. I would love for there to be new vocals in this song. Overall, the songs are great!

That’s all folks! I plan to review this mod again, because there’s A LOT of upcoming content, such as the other four elements(we saw Rainbow Dash in the foreground of Cupcakes), and maybe some more freeplay songs! I hope you enjoyed this review, and enjoy playing the mod itself! Bye!

Elements of Insanity mod:

By Abby Subedi
