Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

I’m sure that everyone has heard of the word “mythology” before or read a mythology. Thanks to the Olympians we now use Ancient Greece and its mythology as a source of entertainment.

Well myths are often a sacred tale or fable of a culture. Myths or collection of stories are stories from different aspects of the human condition. The conditions are either good or bad! One ancient Greek mythology is “Mother Earth.”

It is known to believe that mother earth’s name of Gaea. Gaea was the greatest gods in early Greece, she is known as the goddess of earth and is worshiped as the universal mother.

Greek mythology says that she created the universe and and gave birth to both god and the human race. In the mythology in the beginning the Earth was chaos complete chaos, it was dark, and gloomy, with the help of Gaea she created the heavens in the form of the skies God Uranus. Gaea also created mountains, seas, plains and everything. Mythology is a great source of entertainment in the world today thanks to the Greek gods.

Overall mythology is a collection of traditional tales called myths, there are so many myths that take us back to the ancients. Myths are stories about how the world was created and why thing happen the way they do. In the world we know today myth is another word for something that is not true or real.