Mon. Dec 23rd, 2024

My favorite anime is The Seven Deadly Sins because of the conflict. This anime started out by the characters Elizabeth, Meliodas and Hawk running the tavern. The tavern is a restaurant,which moves because of Hawks mom who is huge and has the tavern on her back. The Seven Deadly Sins has amazing conflict throughout the anime that keeps the watcher’s engaged and entertained in the show. 

Another reason that The Seven Deadly Sins is my favorite anime is because of the series characters, my favorite character in this anime is Meliodas  because he has sacred demonic power’s  and the other sins did not even know until he had to fight someone super strong then he used his unsealed wrath and then the other sins finally knew that he was a demon.

Finally this is also my favorite anime because of the adventures. My favorite adventure that they went on was when they were going to look for the 7th sin lion sin of pride Escanor meliodas was fighting the demon king’s son AKA Meliodas’es brother Meliodas almost lost when Escanor came to defeat Zeldris and won but Estorrossa only got super badly injured and got stronger but he could not defeat Escanor.

One thought on “What is your Favorite Anime and Why?”
  1. My favorite anime would probably be “My Hero Academia,” because I really like the creativity in the storyline, and how each character has had character development.

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