Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

You may see that every time your teachers tell you something, it’s usually ‘India’ or ‘the Himalayas’ or something like that. But nobody ever tells you about Nepal. For those of you who are wondering, “What is Nepal?”, Nepal is that tiny thing between India and China. It is never featured on those tiny test maps. Because it’s tiny. One day, my class watched a video about longitude and latitude(during our geography unit, where most videos started with, “Where do you live?”), and when it mentioned Mount Everest, it just said, “Mount Everest is in the Himalayas.” I waited for it to say, “specifically, Nepal.” But it never did. I hated that.

Another way how nobody talks about Nepal is when they talk about Buddhism. You know how your teachers always say how Buddhism started in India and spread through cultural diffusion(if you’re in 6th grade)? Well, where was Buddha born? He was born in Lumbini, Nepal, which is close to India. Nobody ever told you THAT. Because NOBODY knows it except Nepalis themselves. Oh, by the way, his real name was Siddhartha Gautam. And he was a prince, born into a kingdom. See? Nobody tells you that. They just say, “BOODA. Moving on.”

Oh, have you ever heard about the Dharahara? It’s a tower in Kathmandu, the capital of…you guessed it, Nepal. You may be thinking, “It’s just a tower, we didn’t miss a thing!” But did anyone tell you it was DESTROYED? In an EARTHQUAKE? In 2015?! And then REBUILT?! Nobody told you, that this AMAZING tower collapsed?! Of course not. BECAUSE IT’S IN NEPAL, AND NOBODY EVER TALKS ABOUT NEPAL.

To anyone reading this, you really need to learn about this diverse culture, and spread the word. Because it’s like an animation on YouTube. It’s awesome, but nobody sees it. So share this culture with people, and find out more about it. Thank you.

By Abby Subedi
