Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


Welp, we’re running out of ideas.

FNF covers are difficult to make when most of your inspiration comes from FNF YouTubers, your internet is failing you, and you don’t really know what mods are popular until they aren’t(all of which apply to me), so pleeeease give me cover requests! I will do them if I can, and I will do so as fast as possible.

I’m also working on a Bosip over GF FNF reskin(to clarify: I do NOT support Amor, I’m making a reskin because I love the character and I wanted to work on an animation project), so that’ll come out very soon(NOT PSYCH ENGINE ONLY! You’re welcome :3). I’ve finished a Hexa over GF reskin, too,

In the meantime, here are some pretty high quality FNF covers. I love making art for these blogs(also there’s another meme cover), so I hope you like the art just as much as the music, if not more!


This cover takes place directly after RuvStyle’s cover of Phantasm. RuvStyle, unfortunately does not win his battle and doubles over in pain, clutching his head. He screams, unable to contain any sort of way to hold himself back.

Hexa and Sharv: RUVSTYLE!!!

They charge into the room, extremely worried for their friend. RuvStyle blinks once, twice, then falls backward and passes out.

Manifest RuvStyle: So…back again, huh?

RuvStyle growls.

RuvStyle: You…Let me out of this hellish nightmare. Now.

Manifest RuvStyle:>laughs<Fight me if you dare, god boy. You shall lose. You have no strength to go on.

RuvStyle roars in fury.

RuvStyle: BRING IT ON!

Near the end of the song, RuvStyle begins to lose. His manifest form begins to take over.

RuvStyle: AAAAAAAGH! I…won’t…l-let you…win!

Manifest RuvStyle: >laughs< Still in denial, weakling?

RuvStyle is still clutching his head when he hears two voices.

Sharv: We’re going to help you.

Hexa: We won’t let you lose to this monster.

Sharv: You’re our best friend! We’re going to help you even if you deny you need it.

RuvStyle laughs nervously.

RuvStyle: I…really could use some help.

Hexa and Sharv: We’ll stay with you until the very end!

Hexa and Sharv: Keep going, Ruvenstain!

I CAN’T HOLD IT ANYMORE… Schizomania but RuvStyle sings it(ft. Sharv and Hexa)

At the end, RuvStyle screams, and his manifest form fades out. He smiles.

RuvStyle: I…I think I did it.

His vision spins, and he wakes up in the same room where this mess started. Hexa and Sharv are kneeling over him. Hexa withdraws his hand from RuvStyle’s chest.

Hexa: >Sighs< Thank the gods you’re okay.

RuvStyle pushes himself up into a sitting position and clutches his head.

RuvStyle: You guys…him

Sharv puts his arm around RuvStyle as comfort.

Sharv: He’s gone for now.

Hexa: >smiles< Once he does, we’ll face him together!

He links arms with them both in a joined hug.

Hexa: Friends until our end!

Sharv and RuvStyle smile.

Sharv and RuvStyle: Friends until our end!


Sheer Anger: Kept Inside but Steven sings it(his scream is an edited version of Jeff the Killers(Friday Night Trepidation)scream
Schizomania but Bosip and Corrupted Bosip sings it(ft. Bob, Corrupted Bosip chromatic by me)
STINKY HERO: Corrupted Hero Remix but Mario(Super Mario Sunshine)and Abby(me)sing it
FLUSHED MEMES: Flashing Lights but Peeks, Oro, and that one Muse from the Hercules movie sing it

I will(I PROMISE)try to make videos!!! It’s just extremely hard to find a software that records well(I’m using Loom for now😬), but I will eventually release a video of a cover!

Thank you for understanding, bye!!


Oh No No No Laugh: https://www.myinstants.com/en/instant/oh-no-no-no-laugh-56694/

Yee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6EoRBvdVPQ

Honey you mean HUNKULES: https://www.voicy.network/clips/oc-3WSk2JUqmuIQT8HYnWA

Schizomania FLP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywqmIqiHPKU

Corrupted Hero Remix(by JakeNeutron)FLP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cugM7IkCgoc

Kept Inside FLP: In the mod files

Vs. FNAF 2: https://gamebanana.com/mods/411376

Hypno’s Lullaby(WILL DOWNLOAD IMMEDIATELY): https://www.mediafire.com/file/iijjmx1cuwzzjpj/HYPNOS+LULLABY+FINAL+V2+BUILD.zip/file

Soft SNS: https://gamebanana.com/mods/382299

RuvStyle’s Collection: https://gamejolt.com/games/fnf-ruvstyle-collection/717914

Vs. Pibby Corrupted: https://gamebanana.com/mods/344757

BNB Soundfont: https://gamebanana.com/tools/7409

Sharv chromatic: https://gamejolt.com/games/playablesharv/664249

Hexadust chromatic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cugM7IkCgoc

My Chromatic pack: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1KbrdyC-2XIUEr1gbXr7WttqNj8gQVOqf

By Abby Subedi
