Mon. Mar 17th, 2025 6:40:39 AM

Yes, I am making another blog with FNF covers. Why? Because I have a lot of material. And it won’t go to waste if I put it here. So yeah. Let’s get going!

Lost Friend: Broken Heart but Neonight and Sharv sing it

Here is the storyline for this cover! Oh, and check out the YouTube video for this cover(yes, I wrote the story), I made that too!

Sharv and Neonight are walking through a castle of some kind. They have no idea where they are or how they got there. Sharv shifted nervously. “I don’t like the look of this, Neo…” Neo nods. “Yeah, this place is reeeally creeping me out.” Sharv stops and runs his hand across the forehead of one of the statues. “These statues are so lifelike it’s unsettling,” he muttered. “They all have… panicked…expressions…” Sharv suddenly realized that these were more than just statues.

Much, much more.

Sharv whirled to face Neo. “Neo, we should get out of here.” Sharv quickly muttered. Neo was confused. “Why?…” Sharv grabs Neo’s arm and begins to drag him. “I’ll explain later. Come on! We need to leave. NOW!” He yelled, desperate not to meet a terrible fate. A voice spoke behind them. “Hello there!” The two stop and turn around. A young girl is standing there. “Where are you going?” She asked. “Come with me! My name is Limulady, but you may call me Limu.” She looked so innocent. Neo looked at her. He asked, his voice small, “Hi, um… where did you get all these statues from?” Limu’s face darkened. “Tsk… already asking?” She smiled. “Well, I’ll tell you, alright? Just promise you’ll keep this between us… FOREVER.” Limu threw out her hand, and Neo stood there, paralyzed with shock. Limu’s hand began to glow and… “NO!” Someone shouted. A blinding flash knocked Neo off his feet, and everything went black.

When he got up again, Sharv was standing in front of him, but… he was now stone and had a panicked expression on his face, just like the other statues in the room, except it was filled with an understanding that he did what he had to do. “Sharv!” Neo cried. He whirled to face Limu, snarling, “What did you do to him?!” Limu sighed. “Tsk… I missed. Ah well, a statue is a statue, and I must go now.” She spun and disappeared. A few moments after, Hexa, Lylace, and RuvStyle turned the corner. Hexa smiled. “Neo! Where were you?” Lylace was also smiling. “Neo! Why do you look so… oh. Oh no.” The three took in the sight of one of their closest friends standing there, petrified. RuvStyle broke the silence. “NO!” He screamed. “WHY?!” He ran over and fell to his knees at the base of Sharv. “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHO DID THIS?!” He turned to Neo, his eyes filled with tears. “WHO?!” He roared. Neo looked shocked. “I-it all happened so fast,” He managed. “This girl named Limu appeared and wanted us to come with her. I asked where the statues came from,” he continued, gesturing to the statues in the room, “and she almost turned me into one. Sharv jumped in front of me at the last second. I… I couldn’t stop it. I’m sorry.” RuvStyle blinked the tears out of his eyes. He muttered something under his breath about killing Limu, then ran out of the room. Hexa was sobbing. Sharv had been a close friend of his, and they had been almost unstoppable together. Almost. Lylace put a comforting hand on Neo’s shoulder. “Neo… it’ll be okay.” She hesitated. She knew that for Neo, it wouldn’t be. Neo confirmed her suspicions. “No. It won’t be.” He sobbed. “He was my best friend. We always had each other’s backs. Even to this bitter end. I can’t-won’t go on without him.” Hexa sniffled. Then he muttered, “I… know a thing or two about magic. I remember reading about this technique. If you sing a song for one that is dead-or in this case, stone-and put a lot of love, all your feelings into it… it’s possible to resurrect the one you’re singing for. I’m not sure if it will work, though…” Neo stared at his mic. He thought about getting his closest friend back and undoing what had happened. He came up with a song. One showing how much he cared for his friend.

One about his broken heart.

He sighed. “I guess there’s no reason… not to try.”

After the song ends, Lylace looked at Neo. “Neo…” she sighed, amazed. “That was beautiful.” Neo sighed. “It didn’t work. He’ll be like this forever. I guess-” He looked at Hexa. “Hexa?…” He asked. “Are you okay?” Hexa’s eyes were closed, and a golden glow was emitting from his hands. He started levitating as he muttered, “No. I won’t let him stay like this.” A neon pink glow emitted from Neo’s hands. A purple glow emitted from Lylace’s. He was shocked. “What the-?” He was interrupted when the same colored light burst from his chest and hit Sharv’s statue. Same with Lylace. Hexa was now seven feet above the ground. “I won’t leave Sharv like this. I WON’T LEAVE HIM!” Hexa screamed as the golden light burst from his hands and chest, and hit Sharv’s statue. Once the three lights made contact, they exploded, and the wind was knocked out of everyone’s chest.

Neo blinked. Out again?… he thought, everything blurry. He stood up, moaning. Lylace stood up, too. Hexa was motionless, eyes closed. “HEXA!” Neo shouted. He ran over and knelt at his mentor’s side. He wasn’t going to allow another friend to die. “Don’t die on me,” he sobbed. Hexa slowly opened his eyes and moaned. “I-I’m fine, Neo. Just drained. That happens when I do magic.” He sat up. Blood trickled from the side of his mouth. Neo put a hand on Hexa’s shoulder. “You’ll be okay, man.” Lylace sobbed. “But Sharv… was it enough? I didn’t see him when I woke up. Is he?…” Her voice trailed off. The three sat in silence, with the occasional sob. Lylace was right. Sharv was most likely dead. Suddenly, Neo felt a hand on his shoulder, accompanied by a familiar voice, soft and heavily accented. “Hey, Neo… why is everybody crying?” Neo looked up. Standing there was Sharv, alive, with a small nosebleed, but otherwise unharmed. Neo locked him in a bear hug, with Hexa and Lylace joining soon after, laughing. Neo sobbed, “I thought you were dead!” Sharv laughed. “Don’t crush me! I heard you guys from in there. When those three lights connected, that freed me.” He wiped the blood from his nose. “Hey, where’s RuvStyle?” They all looked around, then Lylace remembered. “He went after Limu for vengeance.” Sharv grinned and playfully nubbed Neo. “We should stop him before he does anything stupid. What do you say, Neo?” Neo grinned. “Yeah. Come on!” And the quartet ran off to find RuvStyle.


There will be a follow up cover soon!

I SWEAR IT’S NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: Abuse but Bob and Bosip sing it
Taken Over: Death Toll but Manifest Ruvstyle, Hexa, and Neo sing it(the gongs are Ruvstyle making weird noises, and Neo replaces Hexa because Dust suddenly takes over, and starts using a gong)
High School Chaos: Home but Abby, Tac, and Lucian sing it(they’re a trio and sound cool)

And finally, something very special…

YEEEEEEEEEE: Wife Whenever but it’s me and StickyBM

Yup, I made my own chromatic, and I’m a Neonight and StickyBM fangirl, so I made this! Why Sticky and not Neonight? Because Sticky’s chromatic video taught me how to make chromatics, so yeah, thanks Sticky, you da man! I used Sticky’s old chromatic because it sounds better. Either way, StickyBM is awesome :3.

That’s all folks! Come back next time for more covers!

-Abby Subedi


FNF Lullaby Cancelled Build:

Death Toll FLP:

Late Night City Tales:

Broken Heart FLP:

Maginage Matches Soundfonts(Tac and Abby):

The Lucian Soundfont I Used:

Nermal Nermal Nermallin’:

NuSky+Skyverse Mod:

Sticky’s Chromatic Tutorial:

By Abby Subedi


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