Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Remember in my last blog, I mentioned the Bob and Bosip mod being hard? Well, we’re going to in-depth of this popular mod, and its lovable cast of characters. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

The first scene in the mod is Bob and Bosip standing in front of a portal. Bob asks Bosip if he’s ready, and Bosip responds by saying he’s all strapped up for this. But before we dive deeper into this mod, Bob is the blue-haired boy with the yellow sweater(the one with the blue B on it) and Bosip(pronounced bow-sip, and made from Bob and ship, so I guess you can call him bow-ship, but Bob calls him bow-sip in the first week, so let’s stick with that) is the guy with the torn yellow t-shirt, torn brown pants, and scars. More on that later. Bob says this is getting very exciting, and Bosip says, “Well, if you’re ready, let’s head right in…”

The next conversation goes like this:

Bob and Bosip step out of the portal. Bob has a Minecraft diamond helmet and diamond sword, while Bosip has a diamond pickaxe(this was BN: Before Netherite).

Bob: Ohhh yeah! It’s Minecraft time!

Bosip: Hmmm, I wonder how my farm is doing. Let’s see…

Bob: It’s finally time to defeat the En…der…Dragon?

Bosip: Hmm? Is something wrong, Bob?

The camera zooms out to show a bench, buildings, bushes, a road, and a sidewalk.

Bob: This…seems off. It doesn’t look like we’re in Minecraft.

Bob looks at his hands.

Bob(panik): Well-wait a minute. Where the heck are we? Did we end up in the wrong game? This isn’t right at all! Nothing is even square!

Bosip: Bob, just take a few deep breaths. You’ll be alright. Just relax a little.

Bob: Oh nonono… BOSIP?! Don’t tell me we ended up in FORTNITE?!

Bosip: Alright, alright now… Bob, you need to calm down. Don’t worry, we’re going to be fine man. Let me pull out my phone and ask him about it.

5 minutes later

Bosip: Ah, he finally replied. So apparently we’re in a popular game called Friday Night Funkin’.

Bob takes off his helmet and looks at Bosip.

Bob(impatient): And? What are we supposed to do to get out of here?

Bosip: Well, he told us that we have to locate a couple named Boyfriend and Girlfriend, challenge them to a rap battle, and we’ll be out of here in no time! (chuckles)Heh heh…looking forward to see how you’ll be rapping though.

Bob(angry) Huh? What does that even mean? Why do we need to rap battle to leave? Who the heck even names themselves Boyfriend and Girlfriend? Was that their parents?(he’s not wrong, you know.)

Bosip:(sighs)Don’t worry Bob. I’m positive we’ll recognize them the moment we run into them. Let’s not panic!

Boyfriend: bee bop

Bob and Bosip turn around and see BF and GF are behind them.

Bob: What the- is that them?

Bosip: Ah, are you Boyfriend?

Boyfriend: Yes.

Bosip: I guess we found them!

Bob looks down at BF and makes eye contact.

Bob: Whoa… Now really? This is the guy. Daang he is tiny! Like, dwarf small. Alrighty! I shall be the one who takes you on then, Chucklenuts! You will be messing with the wrath of a handsome siren. A melody where no king can resist bowing down to me alone!

Boyfriend: Uhhh…

Bosip: Excuse me now, miss. Do you mind if I stand here next to you?(What a good boi.)

Girlfriend: Not at all!(Wow, that all was from ‘beep’?)

Bosip: Alright, thanks!

The song Jump-In ensues, and at the end, Bob is lying face down on the ground.

(I’m just gonna type BF and GF now, because this is taking me far too long to type)

Bob: hhhhhghghghhhhhhhUhgh…

Bosip: Oh god… Bob…You good, dude? You fought with him for like 6 hours straight!

BF: Are you okay?

Bob: Bleghhh…

Bosip: Yeah…he’ll be fine…I suppose…just give him…a couple minutes to wake up.

Bob: My dignity, my life essence…Died…in shambles…(cough)

Bosip: Well, I guess I’m up next for the challenge. A little revenge couldn’t hurt. I ain’t taking it easy on you little man. You better be ready for this one.

BF: Bring it on!

Bob: *cough*-*cou-*

After the song Swing is over, this happens:

Bosip: That went worse than I thought… Oh well… at least I managed to do my best while I could.(Wow, he took it better than Bob did.)

BF: Great job!

Bob(voice cracking):Dude…how are we supposed to get out of here now? At this rate, we’ll never go home!

BF and GF celebrate in the background while Bob cries(why does BF always get away with everything?).

Bosip: Hmm… yeah you’re right…we’ve been out here for the entire day…the moon is already out. That little dude has got to have some mad skills to be working us up like this…

A glow comes from the ground. Everyone looks down and Bosip’s cell phone is on the ground, glowing.

Bob: Uh…Bosip? What’s going on with your phone?

Bosip: Hmm? Who’s calling us this late?

Bob: What’s happening to it? Your screen…it’s…

Bosip: Huh…I don’t really know…why is it glowing like that?

Unknown voice: Hey guys! What’s up?

Another blue haired boy appears on the screen, projected in the air and becoming a hologram.

Now before we go deeper into this, the new blue-haired boy with the white t-shirt, shorts, socks, and headphones is Amor, the persona of AmorAltra, a YouTuber. Anyway, back to the story.

Amor: How is everyone doing after your little match? Hahahah…Hope you’re all fine after that fiasco…

Bosip: Amor! Uhhh… Mind finally helping us get out of here?

Bob: Yeah man, this little guy here has been kicking our butts left and right. We’ve been stuck here all day!

Bosip: Please tell me you know a way out of this…we really need to leave…

Bob: I just want to move on to the next game already!

Amor: Alright, alright. Lets simmer down now dudes… I’ll make sure to get you both out of this mess, okay? Get Boyfriend over here for me if you can… So… you’re BF huh? How about we have some fun? Let’s have a round! I can’t exactly be in your world right now, but I’m sure you wouldn’t mind that right?

BF: Sure thing!

Amor: Alright then… let’s end this fiasco right now… just the two of us… in the final round..

Then the song Split plays, and I should mention that Bob and Bosip are tired after all that rapping, so they decide to take a nappy nap on the bench. Awwww… After that, this happens:

Amor: Oh hoh hoh… Oh well… I knew my downfall was going to happen eventually… I had fun battling against you though, good game indeed…

 Boyfriend: Yeah!

 Bob: Now, just you wait a minute… Amor?? Hey? You realized that you just lost right? How the heck are we supposed to go back home now??

 Bosip: Bob, you should really calm down…

 Bob: Not only that, what did you mean by “you knew it”? You already knew you’re gonna lose or something?

 Amor: Hahahah.. Yup! You see, I did all of this on purpose! It’s actually because of something I’ve been planning on making for a while!

 Bob: Planning? What?

 Bosip: Wh- What? Huh? What are you…

 Amor: So you see, I’ve been inspired by the amount of talent in this community. I decided to make a mod myself so I put you two here in this game…

 Amor: …in order to create my own mod!

 Amor: Although, I didn’t know that it would have taken you guys this long to finish it! Haha, ha… ha… huh- *cough* *clears throat*…

Amor: Why are you all just standing there? Are you guys confused? What’s the matter here?

(awkward silence)

Bob(screams): WHAT THE FU-

And that’s the end of the mod. Except for the final line of dialogue after the credits:

Bob and Bosip walk past a boy at a computer(Bobal)and enter their room.

Bobal glances backwards and says:

Bobal: Huh? What the heck were they doing out this late?

After you’ve read all that(or if you just skipped down here go back and read the story), here’s more on the Bob and Bosip mod:

-Bob is Bosip’s canon LOVE INTEREST, and they are also canonically dating(don’t judge them, we all make our own decisions so QUIT COMPLANING), and can be seen walking together in the Carol and Whitty date week.

-Bosip actually has better fashion sense than Bob. His clothes are ripped because he has saved Bob on multiple occasions.

-Bosip’s icon is a shark.

-In the Bob Takeover week, Bob and Bosip are KIDNAPPED by Bob and Ron.

-Bob and Bosip have Minus forms, Corrupted forms, Mii forms, and Soft forms.

-Remember Bobal? More can be learned about him and the gang here.

-The mod can be played here.

And that’s all! I hope you enjoyed reading through this mod.

-Abby Subedi

By Abby Subedi
