Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Today, I saved four more gyms from destruction into the abyss. The Fighting type Pokemon, Conkeldurr, I fought by myself. We singularly fought valiantly against our opponents from then on out. Bonbon(I should probably change this name)used a powerful Max Mindstorm to take down our opponent. Bea, the Fighting-type Gym Leader, gave her thanks, and gave her rare League Card to me. However, I realized the only way to benefit from this was go through Glimwood Tangle. “Guys, you go on ahead. I’ll go through the tangle.” I told Hop, my kind, funny, and powerful rival, and Piers, the awesome rockstar and my favorite Dark-type Gym Leader. Hop looked at me in the eye. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Abby.” he said. I looked at the passageway to Glimwood Tangle, and I’m 99.99% sure that a Morgrem peeked it’s ugly little face around the stone wall beside Glimwood Tangle, saw me, and hid again. “Me too.” I replied, before stepping into the tangle.

I always thought that Ballonlea was a happy, friendly town, until I went there. It’s a sorta spooky town, with all the glowing mushrooms and weird Pokemon and the scammer dude who makes you dress in Fire-type clothing, then says you aren’t wearing it. The route there isn’t happy at all, with the spooky music and darkness and everything. The trainers I met there were Cook Derek and Judge Madame Judy. When I got there, everyone was there, but Bede didn’t need us. He was all like, ‘I’m an elite gym leader so I don’t need your help’ so I said, “I thought there was no Elite Four in Galar.” Bede glared at me. And, ‘Oleana tricked and used me so now I choose my path’, so then I pointed out, “You were kicked out of the Gym Challenge yourself.” Bede glared at me again. He challenged me to a battle, did some cute anime eyes(something is SERIOUSLY wrong with that boy), and I beat him. As usual. So he got mad, I went on a shopping spree, and saved the gyms. In Ccirchetster, I faced a ferocious Gigalith, and after defeating it, fat man Gordie said, “You’re really something, Abby. You too, Hop.” Hop grinned. “Y-You really mean it?” Piers smirked. “Looks like he ain’t used to compliments. Look, he’s got a grin wider than a Meowth’s.” Hop stopped grinning and glared at Piers. “I do NOT!” Hop shouted. “Shut your gob, Piers!” Piers was smiling. After the next two gyms, Sonia said she was at Hammerlocke, and we should get there as soon as possible. Piers said, “Well, we’re already at Hammerlocke, so I guess we just…” His voice trailed off. Hop and I nodded. But Sonia had to bust through the elevator door, so I may or may not have gotten frustrated, and I may or may not have chucked Yamper at the door so he could use Volt Tackle and bust through the door. Afterwards, we all ran down the narrow power plant hall.

We met Sordward there. He said, “Oh, if it isn’t the wonderful Champion.” I growled back, “Nice to see you too, King.” Four people behind him clapped. Because he told them to. This was wrong. Wrong. Bombarding Zamazenta with Galar particles. Saying that they’re kings. Basically trying to murder us. Accusing Sonia of lying. Telling Hop he’s little and useless. Insulting Piers. Being bossed around. I was so done with it all. A large shake in my pocket told me Singe was done too. I held out Singe’s Pokeball. Sordward laughed, along with his followers. “What are you going to do? Throw Pokeballs at me, with your useless little Pokemon inside of them, hardly fit for a battle?” Singe’s Pokeball opened, but this time, instead of landing on the ground, the red flash spiraled around me and disappeared. Suddenly, I felt a surge of burning energy inside of me. I let out a roar of fury, and many red-hot flames shot towards Sordward and his followers, exploding in a ball of fire around them. After the dust settled, a flaming X around my friends and I disappeared, as it had been protecting us from the burst of flame. Piers, Hop, and Sonia looked at me in shock, as Sordward and his followers did too. “How?…” Piers said, in shock. Hop just stared at me his mouth open and eyes as wide as the coin on a Meowth’s forehead. Sonia mumbled, “Is this what a Pokemon Fusion is?” I stared at Sordward with a gleam in my eyes. “If you want a Pokemon battle so much…” The gleam turned to a fire. “Let’s do it!” We quickly won. Singe exited me. I smiled at him. Hearing a roar from the higher floor, we quickly went up, to meet a wild pup. Zamazenta had a fierce gleam in it’s eyes. Sheilbert said, “Reveal who the fake kings are!” And it sprung at him. Quickly, I had Singe use a combination of Blast Burn and Blaze Kick to defeat Zamazenta, and snap him out of it. Out of control, Zamazenta flew to the Slumbering Weald. Hop quickly followed. Leaving me to face Zacian. And catch it. The battle ensued. One time, thanks to Tsunami’s Emergency Exit Ability, we ran and lost, and another time I, er, kinda one-shot it… so I had to use the Master Ball. And I finally caught it. After so long. I caught Zacian.

Afterward, I picked up the Master Ball. Sonia congratulated me. The betraying assistant apologized. Then, Sordward said, “Hey, Spiky Head.” Piers glared at them. “Ugh.” he groaned. “How am I gonna start expectin’ these two to learn some manners?” The two ‘kings’ told Piers to take them to jail. Then I got a call from Hop. He said, “Hey, Abby! I’m here in the Slumbering Weald, and- Whoa! Down, boy!” And Zamazenta ran towards Hop. “Are you alright?” I asked. Hop grinned. “Yeah.” He said. Then he looked to the right, his eyes widened, and said quickly, “YeahbutIneedyourhelpassoonaspossiblesogettotheheartoftheslumeringwealdandmeetmethereokthen-” And Zamazenta tackled Hop, abruptly ending the call. Zacian howled from inside his Pokeball. “Easy, boy.” I said. Louder howl. “I think it’s a girl.” Sonia said. “I looked at her. “Ok… so I gotta get to the Slumbering Weald and save Hop.”I said, reluctantly. So off I went.

What happens next? Find out in my next Pokeblog! (P.S: I still need to do the post-game for the Isle of Armor, then the Crown Tundra, then the Galarian Star Tournament. I have ways to go.) Bye!

By Abby Subedi
