Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

Hey y’all! Again, as I have said earlier, this might be a long series of blogs (we’re already on Part 4, woah!), so you all might need to wait until the normal blogs come back, ‘cos that night take a real while.

Anyway, enjoy!

Also here’s the song I’m referencing in my image for this blog: Betty Boop by Charlie Puth Remix


So, we left off at the end of Kid Icarus, the first game of its franchise of the same name. For no spoiler reasons, here are the links below.

KIE: S&R (Part Three: The End of Medusa’s Reign [for now])

First Part of Original KIAE (which was made a long time ago and is cringe)


So, Kid Icarus, even though it didn’t get good sales as a whole, had positive reviews, with criticism only landing on its difficulty. However, it got a HUGE cult following, with people saying (and still saying) that it was one of the greatest games of all time.

So, relatively speaking, it got a sequel on the next gaming console: the GameBoy. Ladies, gentlemen, the in-between, I present to you Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters.

For this game, the original creator of the first game, Toru Osawa, wasn’t able to oversee or work on the project, due to him working on Metroid 2: Return of Samus around at the same time. So a different guy, Gunpei Yokoi, who would later become famous for creating the Game and Watch handheld system, had to be the producer and main guy in the seat.

So the sequel began.


So it all starts later, in Angel Land. Now ruled only by Palutena herself, peace is successfully maintained by the goddess of light herself.

But, you can already tell by now that the mood isn’t going to last that long now, can’t you?


(shows Palutena in bed, moving around and muttering inher sleep, her brow sweating)

Palutena: Umph…. no. Please, not again… Spare us… I beg you….

(moves around in her bed more, keeps muttering, but more frantically. Then, she suddenly wakes up with a jolt, giving out a gasp of terror. A suitor then comes and knocks on her door)

Suitor: Lady Palutena! I heard a scream! Are you okay?

Palutena: (visibly hyperventilating)

Suitor: …Well, that’s a definitive “no”.


So, after Palutena has that nightmare, she later recounts it with a friend of hers, who also can interpret dreams.


Palutena: (shaking and trembling like a mouse that has seen a cougar) I-I was in Angel Land a-as usual. But.. (starts to calm down by taking a few deep breaths).. but then these d-d-demons came, and.. (tears start dripping down her face)… ripped every angel from their wings, killed every human in their wake.. and all I could do was watch, it felt like my feet were made of stone and I only could… (sobs a little, but maintains her composure for a bit)

Dream Interpreter: (gasps) That means no good. What you had, Palutena, that was a premonition dream. It’s… going to happen soon.

Palutena: (shocked) How do you know?!

Dream Interpreter: The fear you experienced made me sense doom in the future. The demons in those dreams… they have a really good chance of being the Orcos! The most ferocious demons on the planet!

You have to do something quick!!


So Palutena, as the goddess she is, sends Pit to be the one to be the main person to defeat the Orcos, but apparently, she doesn’t think Pit is ready yet…

But that’s for next week! See y’all then!

– Nova S

By Nova Subedi

i write blogs about stuff. my 'sona is a pembroke welsh corgi for all that are wondering

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